Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Riley Steele is a Hot Box of Rocks

If Diamond Foxxx is the world's hottest milf, Riley Steele is flat out the hottest. This chick is one of the best chickz to follow on twitter, for the simple reason that she post awesome twatter twitter pics. Riley Steele also drops great pornos NSFW. Def recommend touching yourself to her either through her twitter pics or on youjuzz. Which ever all I know is that this chick is one Hot Box of Rocks. Follow her at @rileysteele

PS. Hopefully she follows me @idigclam cuz I need a pick me up after getting blocked by @Espn_michelle for making a few sex jokes. Grow up woman.

More pics after the break and most NSFW

The Commish is the Greatest Human Being Ever

As I said, and you can see from this picture, Peyton has a huge dick courtesy of Shot of GINN

So I know I said me and Jimmy would be cumming back like a month ago, but we got delayed by having jobs unlike that fag doucher @SMM0606 who is still trying to hold on to his glory days by going to grad school. Anyway the point is I will be trying to post a blog post once a night, about the same shit I used to post about. I'm not too sure what Jimmy cause he is a schmuck and anytime he gets near a computer he usually just ends up watching porn. I've kept my game fresh by stirrin pots on twitter and the facebook. Celebs just tweetin back at The Commish. Stay tuned for our NFL picks too so far on the year I am 45-43-3 not great but not bad for picking every game. It feels good to be back, I know Clay Matthews, Diamond Foxxx, and all the random Korean freaks that jerk off to our Hot Box of Rocks post are excited were back

Friday, August 19, 2011

We're Cum-ming Back

We are making our return soon. The Commish and Jimmy are sick of shitty blogs posted by retards.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Bout the Johnnies

Motherfuckin Johnnies, bringing back the glory days of Chris Mullin, Mark Jackson, and Ron Artest. Fuckin Garden was rockin. God Damn Big East day in and day out is just insane. Cant wait for the tourney, I got my tickets. Time to drink come get some.

Landry Fields is the Man

I know Modells has been doing this for awhile, and by far Danny Woodhead's was the funniest, until now. Landry Fields being a funny ass motherfucker. Embarrassing people, making Mark Sanchez 17 year old girlfriend cry in a game of horse, blocking the shit out of some goober's shot. Seriously head fake bro. All I know is I just ordered my Fields jersey (please don't trade him for Melo, anyone but Fields and Gallo) from a sketchy Chinese website. Come Get Some

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Chicks are Stoopid

From: XXXX X'XXXXX                                                                                                                                       2/2/2011 11:32 AM
To: The Commish's Floor

Do you like ice cream? How about hot fudge? Sprinkles?

If you do, come to my apartment (515) from 8-10 pm this Sunday for some SUNDAES! I'll also have homemade popcorn and a movie going. This is a Penthouse get-together, but all friends, siblings etc. are welcome too. See you then!

WHAT: Make-your-own-sundaes, popcorn, and a movie
WHO: Penthouse (5th floor) residents + friends
WHERE: XX's apartment (515)
WHEN: Sunday February 6th from 8-10 pm
WHY: Because ice cream is delicious

I'll send a reminder later on this week!

This is reason number 1 why chicks are retarded. My RA who is a chick, thinks she is all clever and shit with having a make your own SUNDAE on a SUNDAY, too bad you scheduled it for the Second half of the SUPER BOWL. Like I don't go to these things in the first place cause all them are gay, but you have to be a complete moron or living under a rock or both, if you didn't know the Super Bowl was this Sunday. At least pretend you watch it, and just wait for the commercials. The only time I ever did these stupid RA events were my freshmen year, when the RA's hall programs were watching NFL Championship weekend, having a hall wide Masters gambling pool, and watching the greatest Dating show ever, I Love New York. But other that these meetings have the gay. Sorry Chick RA, I wont be making my own sundae, I will be busy being drunk, gambling, and watching the Packers win.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

They Don't Make Nickelodean Shows Like They Used To


If watching this doesn't give you chills you either have the Gay, were living under a rock, or didn't go to an all boys high school that gave you laptops. Either way fantastic video compilation.

Ps. Does it surprise you that kids stuck in front of a TV in the 90's had such bad "ADD" everything was just flashing across the screen.

Even a Year Later Liberals are Morons

Chicago Tribune 2010
But, contrary to popular belief, a robust snowfall does not mean global warming is a myth.
In fact, scientists have been warning for at least two decades that global warming could make snowstorms more severe. Snow has two simple ingredients: cold and moisture. Warmer air collects moisture like a sponge until it hits a patch of cold air. When temperatures dip below freezing, a lot of moisture creates a lot of snow.
This article maybe a year old, but it only proves my point that Global Warming supporters are idiots. Not only is this article written worse than every single one of my blog post, but in the quote above the author throws out a claim and doesn't back it with any sources. Really? Which scientists have been warning about global warming snow storms, I mean if the scientists have been warning us for two decades surely they would have written something about it, which some one could have quoted.

But its funny a year later, and another brutal winter on the east coast, as well as most of the country, and all of a sudden I'm not seeing anything printed about Global Warming causing snowstorm. Maybe its because the libs and such now call it climate change, which in itself is retarded. Isn't the climate always changing, there called seasons. Or Maybe its because all the global warming experts are buried alive under the snow. Whatever it maybe I think its all bullshit, were going get extremes every once and awhile. Cant we just go back to blaming it on the Mexicans, like everything else? El Niño anyone?

Ps. I pretty much lost my train of thought writing this because neither of my classes were canceled today and I'm pissed.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Make Me a God Damn Sandwich

Since none of my freakin classes were canceled today, even though there is a Snowpocalypse outside, I decided to get a nice little sangwich from the school's sandwich shop. Too bad this is what I got. Yeah it was delicious but only after I reassembled it. It was bad enough that I had to brave the elements to get the store, but then some ugly chick slaps this together. Cut the bread poorly, didn't cut the tomatoes, not enough sauce on it, just an all around half assed job. And on top of that she wraps it up like a retard and puts it on the counter upside down. What the fuck, you stupid twat you are an embarrassment to women around the world. You owe me an apology and if you weren't so ugly I would allow you to suck my dick. 

PS. It probably was the same fat ugly chick that reported her roommate missing after 15 mins.

Monday, January 31, 2011

How Awesome was the Farmer's Insurance Open Yesterday

As all 3 of our followers know, The Commish and Jimmy are huge golf fans. Love to watch and play. While the season begun a few weeks ago in Hawaii, yesterday was the first tournament with all the big names in it. And those big names did not disappoint. Here's what saw:

Tiger Woods, played great for the first 27 holes then pretty poor for the next 45. Not too big of a concern, because he is working with a new swing and I believe he'll be ready to dominate the Masters.

David Duval looked good, and continues to battle his way back into the upper level of golfers. Great job finishing in the top 20.

Bill Haas played pretty well but leaked oil in the end, one of the hot young golfers on tour right now.

Jhonny Vegas not only is he on fire but he also has the most bro name in golf. A win and a top five finish back to back weeks, damn this kid is droppin bombs.

But the Highlight of the tournament was Bubba Watson being the man and Phil doing what Phil does best. Bubba dropped a big time putt on 18 to give him a two shot lead. Then Phil in classic Phil fashion hit an errant tee shot on 18, but then nearly holed out with Bones tending the flag from 70 yards out. Damn what a finish.  

So Duke Lost Big Freakin Deal

Probably the only hot duke fan in the nation
Yesterday my Duke Blue Devils got smacked around by St. John's. Normally a Duke loss is pretty upsetting never mind getting embarrassed on their home floor (wait MSG isn't their home floor), but I wasn't even mad yesterday. First, it was only Duke's second loss of the year, three less than those poor bastards in Chapel Hill. Second, I am a huge Big East Basketball fan, so this was a big win for the conference that continues to show why it has the best basketball in the country, except for Providence (kidding, kinda). Third, Steve Lavin is awesome. Great day to be at the Garden to say the least, it was rockin for the Johnnies and then later that night was rockin for the Knicks.

Ps. I would be lying if I said that I was concerned about how Duke loses. Both their losses they shot a combined 4 of Kajillion from three. One bad shooting night like this in March and its night night in the NCAA tourney.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ali Larter is a Hot Box of Rocks

You better believe I'm watching Varsity Blues, and you better believe I wish I was Moxon. Just being a champ, seeing chicks in whipped cream bikinis, God Damn Ali Larter is a hot box of rocks.

Fat Chick Files Missing Person Report After Her Hot Box Of Rocks Rommmate Spends The Night Banging Some Dude

From: Office of Public Safety" <psafety@holycross.edu>                                                  1/29/2011 7:10 AM
To: The Commish
Subject: Missing Person

Dear Students;

This is a message from the College of the Holy Cross Emergency Notification Service. A campus emergency has been declared. The President's Office has authorized the distribution of the following alert message:


Thank you for your immediate cooperation,

Office of Public Safety
College of the Holy Cross

So Saturday morning, after day number two of non-stop drinking, I get a phone call, a text, and an email from HC Pub Safety saying some chick is missing. I was a little pissed for being woken up that early, but what really pissed me off, was less than an hour later (right after I was in a deep sleep again) the RA comes knock on our door to tell us that there is a missing student. What the fuck, like do they honestly expect me to go look for this chick that I don't know, Hell No. I'm going back to sleep, which I did. But here is the real kicker, 45 minutes later the same shit happens (text, call, email, knock the door) the fuckin broad was found. Um no shit, she was missing for only like 4 hours cause she was banging some dude. I hope to god this bitch punched her roommate in the face. How fat and unattractive is this roommate, if her roommate didn't come back on a Friday night? Dumbass.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Randy Levine: Sorry You're Poor

ESPN New York:

NEW YORK -- Yankees president Randy Levine has fired back at Texas Rangers owner Chuck Greenberg, calling him "delusional."

The message was direct: Mind your business and keep your team off "welfare."

Levine made his comments in response to Greenberg's opinion that the Rangers kept the chase for Cliff Lee going long enough for the Phillies to sneak in and take Lee from the clutches of New York to the National League.

"I think Chuck is delusional," Levine told ESPNewYork.com. "He has been running the Rangers for a few minutes and seems to believe he's mastered what everyone else is thinking. I think he should let Cliff Lee speak for himself. I'll be impressed when he demonstrates he can keep the Rangers off welfare. What I mean is make them not be a revenue-sharing recipient for three years in a row, without taking financing from baseball or advance money from television networks. Then I'll be impressed."

I'm not going to lie, I didn't know much about this Randy Levine guy before this winter and when I first heard him on the radio it was on The Michael Kay Show acting as if the Yankees weren't pissed we didn't get Cliff Lee, so I kinda hated him. But I love him now. Get over yourselves, Texas. You have one good season, snake Cliff Lee away from the Yankees in July, beat us ONCE in the playoffs, then get fucking embarrassed in the World Series, and all of a sudden you're all big dick and think you can dance with the big boys? Well you got another thing coming to you, because guess what: Without Cliff Lee, your team sucks. Sure, you can still hit with anyone, but its only a matter of time before your degenerate group of coked up, heroine abusing, meth head alcoholics have a massive relapse and then what? I mean come on, the Rangers are the definition of poor. They're near the bottom of the league in both operating income and revenues, and their debt to value ratio is #1 in baseball at an embarrassing $106 million. Put it in perspective, Texas, you had one good season. Does that make up for keeping on a manager who admitted to using cocaine in the clubhouse? Seriously? In what other business, any business, would use of cocaine in your god damn office not be grounds for immediate dismissal? The Steinbrenners would never let that shit fly. Hell, that shit wouldn't fly at KwikMart. And I am so fucking sick of hearing what a feel-good story Josh Hamilton is. Try fucking pussy. Come on bro, you can't even celebrate winning the ALCS with your teammates? Ginger ale? Really? Are you fucking six years old? Learn a little something called self control. You realize that it is possible to have a few drinks without fucking strippers and doing every drug known to man. How is he possibly a feel good story? He has all the talent in the world and he pissed away 4-5 prime seasons because he can't control himself around booze. Then, the year after his "comeback" season, he has a relapse and for some reason gets a free pass? He's a waste of talent. The opposite of a feel good story. Every father should show their son Josh Hamilton and say "son, this is exactly what you DON'T want to be. Josh Hamilton and the Texas Rangers are stand for everything that is wrong with Major League Baseball.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who Would You Rather Bang

So earlier today Jenna Jameson called Chelsea Handler a "dried up old whore" on twitter, saying that Handler called someone's kids retarded (Not really sure who's kid). Now this has the potential to be one of those classic twitter battles, right up there with Soldja Boi vs Fabolous twitter feud. But the better question is which chick would you rather bang. Both are kinda old. But we all know Jenna's talents in her prime, and Chelsea Handler has to be a dick-wrecker in bed because she gets fucked a lot. Gun to my head I would have to go with fucking Jenna in her prime, Handler isn't funny and I don't want Fifty's sloppy seconds.

Videos and Pics to help you decided after the break, make your choice in the comment section. Obvi NSFW

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Commish is a Music Genius

Big things happening here in Partyland, one of my classes for the last semester is Music of Gamelan or some shit like that. I'm  bangin the xylophone with a hammer and its gonna sound exactly kinda sorta like this. The real reason I took this class other than the easy A, is I'm gonna get so much pussy because of this it is unreal. Seriously just slayin hot box of rocks left and right.

$900 to Tailgate the Super Bowl is Flat Out Unamerica

ESPN Dallas:

IRVNG, Texas -- If you're lucky enough to have a ticket to Super Bowl XLV between Pittsburgh and Green Bay, then the next step is to find parking near Cowboys Stadium.

And that might be more expensive than the ticket.

According to ParkWhiz.com, there is a spot available a tenth of a mile from Cowboys Stadium going for $990 at 908 North Collins at Ticketsource.com Parking. To be fair, you would have access to a restroom, on-site security and the ability to tailgate.

Someone explain to me why there might be a lockout again? Because this "No Fun League" that everyone seems to hate yet continues to watch at record shattering rates is straight stealing from us. Listen, I understand supply and demand and they're going to keep hiking rates as long as people keep paying for this shit, but when is enough finally enough? Fans paid $15 for beer at last years Super Bowl. That makes Yankee Stadium look a soup kitchen. Jersey's are like $80 and they fall apart if you wash them more than three times. A stupid hat that has your team's and the NFL's logos (and if it doesn't have the NFL logo its cheap-ass bootleg shit, don't wear it to a game or Roger Goodell will personally strangle your ass) costs over $20. This league is out of control. The average fan simply cannot afford to support their team anymore. The worst part of it is that it is diluting the experience of going to a game. Sure there are still some degenerate assholes who still make games amusing even when its a slop fest 10-6 game where neither team can move the ball, but those guys are fewer and farther between these days. Gillette Stadium is a perfect example of it. In the old Foxboro Stadium, every fan in there was there to watch the game. Sure they got piss drunk and made assholes out of themselves, but they were all their because they loved the Patriots and the loved football. Now the best seats cost over $1,000, and the result is arrogant rich folk who don't care about the game sitting in the prime seats. People leave games -- good games -- at halftime because its tool cold. "Fans" leave Heinz Field before their team is presented with the Lamar Hunt Trophy because they have no appreciation for the game. You know why NFL television ratings are shattering records? Because the REAL fans cannot afford to go to the games anymore.

And yet the owners are complaining they don't get enough money? Maybe there is some fucked up shit going on where all the money we pay at the ticket windows, fan shops, and concession stands is all just getting wired to Bill Belichick's Swiss bank account. That must be it.

Justified Complaints or the Pussification of America?

ABC News:

Cruel and abusive or simply tough love? That has been the continuing controversy surrounding author Amy Chua.

Her self-proclaimed mantra, laid out in her bestselling book, "Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother," includes telling her daughters no play dates, no sleepovers, no school plays; and no whining about no school plays.

So before you read this, don't be lazy and go read the full ABC article so you know what the fuck I'm talking about. If you want to be lazy, and if you're reading this blog you probably aren't successful enough to imply that you're not a lazy asshole, here is the background: This Chinese lady Amy Chua wrote a book on how Chinese mothers are different (no shit) and in her opinion better than American mothers. This book has taken some serous backlash, because quite frankly America is a nation full of pussies, just like Ed Rendell said. Personally, I have never read Chua's book. Probably because my American parents spoiled me with television, video games, and sleepovers when I was a child so now I'm 22, barely graduating college, illiterate, degenerate, and blogging for the entertainment of the 6 other illiterate degenerates who read this crap. In any event, from what a gather, Chua is dead on with her book. She makes her kids strive for perfection, and if they don't give it their all she doesn't pat them on the back and tell them it's okay, she tells them to fuck off and put forth a better effort next time. Listen, I've been through Prep School and a fairly prestigious liberal arts college, and looking back on it all the only reason I didn't have straight A's in high school was laziness. I did quite well in high school, graduating with what would translate to around a 3.7-3.9 GPA. But who can honestly say high school s hard? It's not. If you don't have a 4.0 in high school you aren't giving it your best effort and that is a fact. I don't care how prestigious or advanced your high school is or was. College is a different story, and I don't really feel like getting into it.

Overall, I get the impression that Chua is somewhat over-the-top with her strict style of parenting, but I guarantee you her kids will be successful as shit when they grow up. Maybe Americans shouldn't completely cut out sleepovers and video games, but we definitely need to start raising our kids a little more like the old days. If we don't the Chinese are going to take over the world. And that's a fact.

Barack Obama gave a Speech Last Night?

So if you don't follow me on twitter, A) you're an asshole, and B) you're probably expecting me to give some Commish-like rant about the State of the Union Address from last night. Well don't hold your breath because it ain't happening. It's not that I didn't watch the Mr. Obama's speech, I actually did. I just don't have anything to say, quite honestly. The President likes to say all the right things (well, not always, but often times), however what he says and what he does are rarely similar. When they are, most of us would rather them not be. That's my two cents on Obama. Election 2012 can't come soon enough. Worst case, 2016. At that point I might move to India, or Pakistan, or somewhere of that nature.

Quick Point on Barry's State of the Union

Obama throws like a girl @NatsGame and Bush Just throwin strikes in front millions in the WS

So I am probably going to post a full blog on the State of the Union tomorrow, but a couple of quick points. First Barry has to stop taking credit for the tax cuts, and the liberal media needs to stop giving him credit. He only extended the BUSH tax cuts. Second, his point about reforming illegal immigration is ridiculous. Kids of illegal immigrants should be deported with their ILLEGAL parents. Not my fault your parents crossed our border and decided to bang. Lets be serious half these kids are born out of wedlock, because they know most times the government won't separate child from at least one of the parents. So they just have kids for their own protection. I mean 51%  of latino kids are born out of wedlock, and I am sure that number is low because a lot of the illegals don't want to be documented and thus not included in that stat. Also NObama made the point that these kids pledge allegiance to the Flag like Me, Jimmy, or any other American, but here's the kicker they DON'T. They don't love this country. For God's Sakes they don't even want to learn the Language. I know we don't have an "official" language but its accepted that English is, and when you have second generation Hispanics not knowing a lick of English, something is wrong. Just go spend a day in Morristown just past Headquarters Plaza, its like a different country there. No one speaks English, crime is through the roof, and the place looks like a hell hole. They're trying to make us change to accommodate them instead of the opposite.

PS. In this article http://articles.cnn.com/2009-04-08/living/out.of.wedlock.births_1_out-of-wedlock-unwed-mothers-wedding-dress/2?_s=PM:LIVING Some black momma is quoted as saying that part of the reason that 71% of African American women have children out of wedlock, is because "Culturally speaking do we want to spend that money on a wedding or a house? ... I guess it's about priorities." Words right out of the horses ass mouth. The reason they live in poverty for ever is because their culture doesn't strive to achieve the American dream, their priorities clearly are backwards. My goal in life for sure is to have a successful career, a family, and own a house, but I guess its about priorities

PPS. Love how the military generals didn't clap when NObama said gays should be allowed to serve. Never a good thing to go against your highest and brightest military minds advice, Would you want someone with the gay to be in your foxhole?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jimmy on Championship Weekend

Shout out to Barstool New York for the picture

I'll start with the story of the day, Jay Cutler. The Commish and I disagree on this completely. I believe every player, writer, fan, and anyone else out there tweeting, jersey burning, or drunk babbling about Cutler being "soft" or a quitter should go suck a fat one. The guy tore his MCL for Christ's sake. Sure, we didn't know that at the time, but what the fuck did you morons think? It was a one score game. They weren't getting embarrassed, they were playing better on both sides of the ball than most people expected them to. He hadn't made any boneheaded plays that he is some how famous for (despite his respectable 82 career QB rating). What incentive would he have to "quit"? So you tell me, why was everyone assuming the worst? Why does everyone want this guy to fail? Is it because they're scared he's the next Brett Favre? Because he damn well could be. Is it because they don't want to see someone from Vanderbilt succeed? Because that would be quasi-legitimate. Is it because he demanded out of Denver once McDaniels got hired? Because not only does that look like the best decision of his career, let's not forget John Elway and Eli Manning both demanded trades before taking a single snap in the NFL. So please, until I hear a legitimate argument against Cutler that is not based purely on hearsay, lay off the man. His girlfriend is a smokeshow, too.

As for the games, they both went about as I would expect. I thought the Packers would move the ball a little more freely on the Bears but I'm not surprised it was a fairly close, fairly low scoring game. Bitter rivalry, frigid conditions, two strong defenses. Even though the Bears had a shot at the end, that game wasn't as close as the scoreboard showed. The Packers were too good on both sides of the ball. I was somewhat surprised that Shittsburg let the Jets back into the game in the second half. I hate to admit it, Sanchez played a pretty good game in the second half and almost brought them all the way back verse one of the toughest defenses in the league. I'm shocked Palamalu didn't play a bigger role in the game, but then again the Jets didn't complete a single ball deep down the middle (Sanchez was 9-for-9 over the middle when they played in December, Palamalu did not play that day). Considering how well the Steelers ran the ball in the first half, a near second half meltdown is inexcusable. Sanchez is a mediocre QB at best, and you know they have to throw the ball down three TDs at half, so how in the hell you let him pick you apart in the second half I cannot explain. Also, the Jets not finding a way to get the ball in from 1 yard out is inexcusable. You pride yourselves on running the ball and playing smash mouth football. You went out and signed a future Hall of Famer for these situations, and you come away with nothing? And do so by putting the ball is Mark Sanchez's hands twice? Unreal.

All that aside, how great is it to listen to fat Rex after a loss. The guy just sounds like a moron. Like sure, he comes off as a self-centered asshole after wins too, but its hard to say anything after he just won. But to come out like he did after the 45-3 game, and like he did last night, you just look like you don't belong in the big leagues. You sound like a whining 4th grader who just got beat up by a 3rd grader. At that point, you need to just take your medicine and go home. Unfortunately for Rex and gangrene, he doesn't know how to do that. So instead of people dwelling over the fact that the Jets had an impressive season, they're sitting around baffled by the ignorance and arrogance of that fat piece of shit. Maybe some day Rex and his crew will learn you can't talk your way to a championship. The Jets were built to win it all this season, and they failed. It's going to be a long summer in Florham Park.

6 picks in the first 3 rounds anyone?

The Commish Starting Shit and Ending Shit on Big Bad FB

Yesterday was a great day, Packers are going to win the Super Bowl and the Steelers took care of the Jets. Naturally, I went on good ol Facebook to watch for "Jets Fans" status saying how Patriot fans cant talk shit. Oh Contraire Mo share (spelled wrong intentionally assholes) Pats fans can talk shit because you idiot jet fans were in the same god damn boat, which is not playing for the Super Bowl. But here's the difference and why we as pats fans are ENTITLED to talk shit. Jets fans fat coach ran his fat mouth about how the jets were going to win a Super Bowl and anything less than that is a disappointment, while all the major sports media outlets had the Pats finishing third IN THE DIVISION. But the actual point of this blog is not to point out how the Pats are set for another dynasty, I leave that to Jimmy cause thats what he does best, but about how I Churched the shit out of a couple of jets fans. Come get some

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Amanda Drury is a Hot Box of Rocks

Ms. Amanda Drury is one hot box of rocks, not only does she host shows on CNBC, but she is from Australia. Everyone knows there are no ugly girls in Australia. While she is a mother of two, which is good and bad, she still brings the noise and always looks like a smoke on air next to Larry Kudlow (the best in the bidness who always surrounds himself with smokeshows). Blonde, Beautiful, and Smart a triple threat in The Commish's world.

PS. Yes I am alive after the Patriots Debacle

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Commish Goes to GVegas

The Commish is headin to GVegas with Jimmy for a one night bash celebrating a meaningless birthday and a ho-hum victory over the NY FOOTball Jets. College come get some.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who is Tonight's game more important for?

Tonight, in Atlanta (8:00 PM EST, FOX), the next generation of Elite Quarterbacks (sans Joe Flacco) square off in the Georgia Dome. Both Aaron Rodgers and Matt Ryan (aka "Matty Ice," possibly the sickest nickname given to any player, ever) have already enjoyed exorbitant success in their NFL careers. While Ryan is two years younger (25, Rodgers is 27), they have both been starters for their respective clubs for the last three seasons (recall, Rodgers backed up the immortal Brett Favre for the first 3 seasons of his career). Statistically, Rodgers has a clear edge. Here is how their numbers stack up:
Rodgers: 64.4 Completion %, 12,723 Yds, 87 TD, 32 INT, 98.8 rating
Ryan: 60.8 Completion %, 10,061 Yds, 66 TD, 34 INT, 86.9 rating
However, it is worth noting that Ryan is 2-0 in his young career vs. Rodgers, and Rodgers has 16 fumbles in his career as a starter. Ironically, both of these players lost their playoff debut to the Arizona Cardinals. Rodgers last year, on the road, in that absurd 51-45 overtime game in which it was his fumble that was returned for the winning score, and Ryan the year prior to that, in the Georgia Dome, as the upstart Cardinals went on to lose to the Steelers in Super Bowl XLIII.

Overall, both of these young quarterbacks have shown incredible poise and talent. Ryan has a record of 33-13 as a starter, and Rodgers is not far behind with a record of 27-20. Toss out Rodgers' first season as a starter -- in wish he completed 63.6 percent of his passes for 4038 yards, 28 TDs and 93.8 QB rating -- and he is 21-10 as a starter over the last two years. Together, in their young careers, the two have played just three playoffs games, with the only win belonging to Rodgers last week in Philadelphia. Despite this limited sample size, we still hear the questions of "Can they finally win in the playoffs?" When I hear this I think "That has got to be a joke, right?" Ryan lost his playoff debut in his rookie season to a team with a Super Bowl winning quarterback (Kurt Warner) that went on to win the NFC. Rodgers lost his playoff debut on the road, in overtime, to the same Super Bowl winning QB. It's not as if we're discussing John Elway who was 0-3 in Super Bowls 15 years into his career. Chances are, either Ryan or Rodgers will never win a Super Bowl, most quarterbacks never do. But only three years into their career, this talk about not producing when it counts is absolutely absurd.

Now that I have given my 2 cents on that front, I will say this. This game tonight means more for Matt Ryan than it does Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers "finally" got his big playoff win, on the road none-the-less, in Philadelphia. If Ryan loses tonight, he will drop to *gasp* 0-2 in his playoff career. While I may poke fun at analysts who flip their shit over such a stat, it is worth noting that it will be 0-2 at home in the playoffs, whereas he is 20-2 at home in the regular season in his tenure in Atlanta. While I do not believe Falcons fans have anything to worry about, they still have an enormously talented, young roster that is poised for much success over the next several seasons. However, if Matty Ice wants to avoid hearing "Can he win when it counts" all summer long, he needs to win tonight. For Rodgers, the pressure is off. He got his playoff win, courtesy of Mike Vick going all Jay Cutler last Sunday.

Now, what you've all been waiting for, it's time for T-Bred Predictions:
Ravens over Steelers in Heinz Field -- The Ravens are getting hot at the right time. Their offense was scary good last week in Kansas City, and the defense is starting to look like the 2000 Super Bowl team creating turnovers like it's their job. Oh wait, it is their job. And they're doing it.

Packers over Falcons in the Georgia Dome -- The Falcons squeaked out a 20-17 win in week 12, but there were a few questionable calls including some "technical difficulties" that interfered with Mike McCarthy's ability to challenge a key play. Also, the Packers reestablished their running game last week in Philadelphia, something they have struggled with since Ryan Grant went on season-ending IR.
Stay tuned tomorrow morning for T-Bred Predictions on Bears at Seahawks and Jets at Patriots.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lock It in Notre Dame Next Year's National Champs

Notre Dame

"On the one hand, there was Notre Dame. This place has been an incredible home to me and the relationships I built here are ones I know I'll have for the rest of my life. On the other hand, there was the NFL. It has always been a lifelong goal to play football at the highest level, and that is something I look forward to doing at some point. However, I'm pleased to say I will be returning to the University of Notre Dame for my senior season in 2011."
Ok, so maybe I embellished just a hair, but lets be serious Notre Dame is going to be scary good next year. It will be year two of Brian Kelly and if the way year one ended is any indication of the future of Notre Dame Football, then a national championship is not out of the question. The offense is going to be dangerous plus the news of Michael Floyd returning next year has to have opposing defenses quivering. The defense which has been a problem area ended the season looking real good only allowing 39 points in the final four games (14 of those points were in garbage time against Miami in the Sun Bowl). Plus add another good recruiting class, a moderately tough schedule, and we're looking at a BCS game. What the hell maybe if everything falls into place, ND will get a chance to get smacked play Alabama in the national title game.

Jason Taylor: The One Jet that Gets It

ESPN Boston:
As for Brady's on-field demeanor, which rubbed some Jets the wrong way Dec. 6, Taylor acknowledged that it caught his attention.

"I know people talk about him celebrating or whatever, pointing at the sideline, I've heard things about that. He was pretty demonstrative up there when we played him up there last time when they scored a touchdown," he said. "I come from a school of thought that if you don't want someone to celebrate or be excited, say something to you, or do something that you might perceive to be offensive, then don't let them score and they won't do that.

"I respect Brady as a competitor, and as a person No. 1. I think the things he's done on the field this year have been nothing short of amazing. He's a guy who plays with a lot of passion. As an athlete, you can appreciate it. If he's not on your team, it will obviously tick you off. But again, keep him out of the end zone and you won't be offended by it."

Finally, amidst all the gibberish coming out of Jet camp, we finally have some common sense. First, you had Braylon Edwards crying because the TB12 train left his asshole feeling sore, then you had Rex Ryan saying that this so-called 'rivalry' is personal (just like his foot-fetish video, and pictures of Darrelle Revis sniffing Michelle's feet) between him and Belichick, then we have Antonio Cromartie acting like Tom Brady stole one of his kids. It's ridiculous, the circus they're running over there in Florham Park. Apparently, someone in Green and White finally gets it: Jason Taylor. I'll be the first to admit I pretty much hate Jason Taylor. I completely agreed with Bill Parcells on the whole Dancing with the Stars fiasco, and I think he's a huge tool for going on Dancing with the Stars to begin with. Okay, so the real reason I hate him is because he is -- should I say used to be -- really good and has always been a division rival. Whatever the case may be, he's the one guy in that room full of cheaters, drunk drivers, and amnesic fathers to actually say something logical. Don't like the way Brady celebrates? Don't let him score. You think the Patriots appreciated Braylon's dougie? But no one cried about it, they just made sure it didn't happen again.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trent Dilfer says Stopping TB12 &co. is "Very Simple" -- Has Also Just Been Offered 31 Defensive Coordinator Positions

ESPN AFC East Blog:
For two months, Tom Brady has been more difficult to decipher than hieroglyphics. ESPN analyst Trent Dilfer claims to possess the Rosetta Stone. And he's about to share it with us and the New York Jets, whom Brady and the New England Patriots shredded 45-3 barely five weeks ago. "So how do you stop Tom Brady?" Dilfer posed. "Very simple: Understand his starting point. "
Dilfer goes on to say teams should "Make him go to No. 2 and No. 3" and "Slow him down." Well gee, Trent, thanks for that one. How do you stop him? You stop him. Well no shit Sherlock. In case you haven't noticed, Trent, let me recap the Patriots offense, post-Moss: Consistently inconsistent. Since Randy Moss was traded, six different receivers have led the Patriots in receiving yards, including a slot receiver less than a year removed from major knee surgery, a 5'7" tailback who was cut by the Jets, two rookie tight ends and a career kick-returner. My point is that you can't pinpoint and "take away" Brady's first option because he doesn't have one. Brady doesn't even know who his first option is. Brady's No. 1 target is the guy you can't cover: the guy who is open. Why? Because Brady is the best there is, yes even better than the almighty Peyton Manning, at finding the open guy. Peyton can get away with throwing to covered receivers because he is so talented he can literally "throw receivers open." (I mean that in the real sense of the term, not the over-used ESPN usage of the term, used every time some scrub QB on a 6-6 WAC team throws a touchdown pass in the Let's All Swap Blood Samples Until We All Contract AIDS To Raise AIDS Awareness Bowl). But he's not as good as Brady at going through each receiver to find the open guy. My point is, you can't "force" Brady go to No. 2 and No. 3 when he's just as likely to throw to No. 4 and No. 5 as he is to throw to No. 1.

The formula for beating Brady actually is fairly simple: get pressure on him with a 3- or 4-man rush. This enables you drop 7 or 8 into coverage, making it difficult for his receivers to get open. However, you have to find a way to get pressure with only a 3- or 4-man rush. If you don't get pressure, his receivers will get open -- even against Darrelle Revis. How do you get pressure with the 3- or 4-man rush? That's the million dollar question. I don't think Trent Dilfer has the answer.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Diamond Foxxx is a Hot Box of Rocks

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Nets Basketball

So the Nets are close to getting Carmelo, but according to Chris Broussard who I used to never listen to until he got the Lebron thing right, says that Chauncey Billups is holding up the deal. I wouldn't be mad at the Nets because I don't hate the Nets, I root for them except when they play the Knicks. But I will be mad at Carmelo, the greed bastard is just looking for his money, and does care about helping the Knicks bringing in a championship. If he is traded, part of the trade agreement states that Carmelo has to sign a new deal with the Nets next year, much like what the Celtics did in the trade negotiations for KG. The only reason I can see Carmelo doing this is because of the potential lock out next year. He wants to guarantee his money because he knows a lock out will lead to less money for the players. So you know what as much as I want Melo, and as much as I don't think this deal goes through, If Melo only cares about the money and not winning a championship, I don't want him on my Knicks. I had to live that mentality during the Isaiah run.

Ravens Second Best Team in Football?

Call me crazy but watching the Ravens play this weekend, I'm actually glad that the Jets won, so the Patriots won't have to play them until after the Rayvens and Steelers are done raping each other. When the Rayvens decided to show up, they are scary good. Their defense is up their as one of the best defenses in the league, not only stopping the run, but making a very good QB look down right Sanchez like. The Rayvens linebacker are scarier than Michelle Ryan's clam and legit murdering anyone who comes across the middle, and forget about their defensive backs, down right abusive. The Rayvens offense is scary good too. While their biggest weakness has to be the O-line, Joe Flacco is developing into a star with the help of two of the best pair of hands in the league in Derrick Mason and Anquan Boldin. Plus their running attack with Ray Rice, Willis Mcgahee, and WR Donte Stallworth literally run over people. Scary how good the Rayvens are when they want to be.
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